Evolusi Perencanaan Tata Ruang

Module name Evolution Of Spatial Planning
Modul level, if applicable Master
Code, if applicable TKP17-7-1-032
Subtitle, if applicable Evolusi Perencanaan Tata Ruang
Courses, if applicable
Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 (elective)
Person responsible for the module Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Djunaedi, MUP
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Djunaedi, MUP
Language Indonesia, English
Relation to curriculum Elective Subject
Type of teaching, contract hours Lectures / SCL, PBL
Workload 1 work credit or SKS is equal to 50 minutes of study activity in class.
Credit points 2 SKS / 5 ECTS
Requirements according to the examination regulations Minimum attendance is 75% of total classes
Recommended prerequisites
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Able to understand the various planning process
Able to explain the evolution of planning process
Able to demonstrate the application of planning process in various context
Content This course teaches the evolution of spatial planning, from master planning to comprehensive planning to strategic spatial planning.

The subject topics are:

The evolution of planning process
Growth management
Case Study: The evolution of planning province in several country
Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written midterm and final examination with open questions
Media employed LCD, computer
Reading list Djunaedi, Ahmad. 2012. Proses Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press
Habitat, U. N. (2015). International guidelines on urban and territorial planning. United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Nairobi
CLS & CSC. 2014. Liveable & Sustainable Cities: A Framework. Centre for Liveable Cities and Civil Service College, Singapore
Todes, A., Karam, A., Klug, N., & Malaza, N. (2010). Beyond master planning? New approaches to spatial planning in Ekurhuleni, South Africa. Habitat International34(4), 414-420.
Morphet, Janice. 2011. Effective Practice in Spatial Planning.Routledge, London
Propst, L., Harper, S. F., & Mantell, M. (2012). Creating successful communities: A guidebook to growth management strategies. Island Press.
Kelly, E. D. (2004). Managing community growth. Greenwood Publishing Group.

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