Manajemen Tanah Perkotaan

Module name Urban Land Management
Modul level, if applicable
Code, if applicable TKP17-7-1-306
Subtitle, if applicable Manajemen Tanah Perkotaan
Courses, if applicable
Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3
Person responsible for the module Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, MA., Ph.D.
Lecturer Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, MA., Ph.D.
Retno Widodo, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D
Ir. Agam Marsoyo, M.Sc. Ph.D
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Relation to curriculum Elective Course
Type of teaching, contract hours Lectures
Workload 1 work credit or SKS is equal to 50 minutes of study activity in class.
Credit points 2 SKS / 5 ECTS
Requirements according to the examination regulations Minumum attendance is 75% of total classes
Recommended prerequisites
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Able to explain and critically analyze theories in urban land management and sythesize them
Able to evaluate and identify critically urban land management issues
Able to argue urban land management methods that will be used in urban planning and development practices
Content Students will be given knowledge regarding theories, instruments, and methods of urban land management in Indonesia. Land management is an important aspect in urban planning. The topics of this subject are:
Land and City Development
Land Economics
Problems in Land Economics
Land Accessibility for Poor Citizen
Land Ownership and Law
Government’s Role
Land Management Instruments
Direct Intervension on Land
Land Administration and Land Information System
Legal and Institutional Framework
Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written mid-term and final examination with open questions
Media employed LCD, computer
Reading list Urban Growth and Urban Land Development:
Mc Auslan P. 1986. Tanah Perkotaan dan Perlindungan Rakyat Jelata (Bab Pendahuluan). Jakarta Gramedia
Emmi, Philip C. and Santigosa, Maria Angels. 1989. Urban Development Land Use Planning and Political Change: The Case of Costa Brava, Spain. Land Use Policy, April 1989, pp 103-120. Butterworth & Co. (Publisher) Ltd.
Urban Land Economic/Land Market
Tri Cahyono, Bambang. 1983. Ekonomi Pertanahan (Bab II). Yogyakarta: Penerbit Liberty
Distortion in Urban Land Market
Plotkin, Sidney. Property, Policy, and Politivs: Toward a Theory of Urban Land Use Conflict, pp 382-403
Kustiawan, I and Donny P. 1999. Pola Distribusi dan Batas Maksimum Luas Pemilikan Tanah di Perkotaan. Jurnal PWK, Vol 10 No 2
Access for Land for the Urban Poor
Payne, G. 1989. Informal Housing and Land Subdivisions in Third World Cities (Section 2). UK: ODA and CENDEP
Urban Land Tenure and Land Law
Doebele, William A. 1987. The Evolution of Concepts of Urban Land Tenure in Development Countries, Habitat Intl Vol 11 No 1, pp 7-22. Pergamon Journals Ltd.
Mc Andrews, Colin. 1986. Land Policy in Modern Indonesia. Gunn & Hain, Publsher Inc.
Government Intervensions on Land Market
Mattingly, M. 1993. Urban Management Intervention in Land Market in Devas and Rakodi. Managing Fast Growing Cities. New York: Longman Scientific & Technical
Chapter 1: Clawson, Marion, and Dysart III, Benyamin C. 1989. Public Interest in the Use of Private Lands: An Overview. Page Publisher, New York, pp 1-8
Clawson, Marion. 1974. Social Control Over Land Use. The Maxwell Graduate School, Syracuse University-Syracuse. NY
Winter, Michael. 1990. Land Use Policy in the UK: The Politics of Control. Land Development Studies, 7, pp 3-14
Land Management Instruments: Regulatory Instruments
Virtanen, Pekka V. 1992. Flexibility and Land Use Planning. Land Use Policy. April 1992, pp 87-95. Butterwort & Co. (Publisher) Ltd.
Booth, P. 1989. How Effective in Zoning in The Control of Developmen. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, Vol 16, pp 401-415. Plon Publication. Great Britain
Land Management Instruments: Economic Instruments
Kent, Robert. 1988. Property Tax Administration in Developing Countries: Alternatives for Land Registration and Cadastral Mapping. Public Administration and Development, Vol 8, pp 99-113. John Wiley & Son, Ltd.
Chorib, Samsul. 1986. Studi Kasus Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan. Evaluasi Training Tanah Perkotaan. Panitia Kerja Tetap Pengkajian Kebijakan Perkotaan (IUPA)
Direct Intervension on Land Owner
Archer, R.W. 1989. Transferring the Urban Land Pooling/Readjustment Technique to the Developing Countries of Asia. TWPR, 11 (3) 1989, pp 307-331.
_. 1986. Urban Land Consolidation in Indonesia. Aspects of Urban Development Planning-Vol 2. DHV Consulting Engineers
Setiawan, Bakti. 1993. Konsolidasi Tanah Perkotaan: Instrumen Manajemen Tanah Perkotaan. Jurnal Forum Perencanaan Pembangunan
Land Administration and Land Information System
Setiawan, Bakti dan Subaryono. 1996. Menuju Tanah Perkotaan yang Lebih Progresif: Beberapa Catatan Peran Sistem Informasi Geografis. Unpublished Paper
Okpala, D.C.I. 1992. Land Survey and Parcel Identification: Data for Effective Land Management. Land Use Policy, April 1992, pp. 92-110. Butterworth-Heinemann, Ltd.
Ofori, Isaac M. Prof. 1986. Land Information System The Corner-Stone for Land Policy Formulation. Evaluasi Training Tanah Perkotaan. Panitia Kerja Tetap Pengkajian Kebijakan Perkotaan (IUPA)
Haar, Charles. 1976. A Program for Land Registration and Land Transfer in Indonesia. Ekistics, March 1976. pp 155-157
Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Urban Land Management
BPN. 1994. Himpunan Peraturan Perundangan yang Terkait dengan Pertanahan. Jakarta: BPN.
Mc Auslan, Patrick. 1992. Institutional/Legal Arrangements for the Improved Administration of Land Development. Regional Development Dialogue, Vol 13 No 1, Spring 1992, pp 14-32

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