Metodologi Penelitan

Module name Research Methodology
Modul level, if applicable Master
Code, if applicable TKP17-6-2-202
Subtitle, if applicable Metodologi Penelitian
Courses, if applicable
Semester(s) in which the module is taught 2
Person responsible for the module Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Djunaedi, MUP
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Djunaedi, MUP
Prof. Ir. Sudaryono, MEng., Ph.D
Ir. Agam Marsoyo, M.Sc. Ph.D.
Language Indonesia, English
Relation to curriculum Compulsory Subject
Type of teaching, contract hours Lectures / SCL, PBL
Workload 1 work credit or SKS is equal to 50 minutes of study activity in class.
Credit points 2 SKS / 5 ECTS
Requirements according to the examination regulations Minimum attendance is 75% of total classes
Recommended prerequisites
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Able to assess the suitable approach or model to be used in a research in planning knowledge domain
Able to demonstrate various approaches/paradigms for research work in the urban and regional planning domain
Able to formulate scientific work proficiently
Content This course will provide the students the ability to understand and capable to do research in the urban and regional planning context. Students will learn various research method and how to write a better thesis.

The subject topics are:

Planning domain research and Philosophy of science
Research paradigm
Various research methods
Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written midterm and final examination with open questions
Media employed LCD, computer
Reading list Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research Design: Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Mixed, Pustaka Pelajar.


Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Handbook of qualitative research. Sage publications, inc
Groat, L. N., & Wang, D. (2013). Architectural research methods. John Wiley & Sons.
Guba, E. G. (1990). The paradigm dialog. In Alternative Paradigms Conference, Mar, 1989, Indiana U, School of Education, San Francisco, CA, US. Sage Publications, Inc
Evans, D., Gruba, P., & Zobel, J. (2011). How to write a better thesis. Melbourne Univ. Publishing
Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research: design and methods.

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