Pembangunan Masyarakat

Module name Community Development
Module level, if applicable
Code, if applicable TKP17-7-1-303
Subtitle, if applicable Pembangunan Masyarakat
Courses, if applicable
Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3
Person responsible for the module Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, MA., Ph.D.
Lecturer Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, MA., Ph.D.
Sri Tuntung Pandangwati, MUP
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Relation to curriculum Elective Course
Type of teaching, contract hours Lectures
Workload 1 work credit or SKS is equal to 50 minutes of study activity in class.
Credit points 2 SKS / 5 ECTS
Requirements according to the examination regulations Minumum attendance is 75% of total classes
Recommended prerequisites
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Able to explain and critically analyze theories in community development and synthesize them
Able to critically evaluate community development policies and best practices
Able to formulate planning and program for community development that are contextual in solving existing problems and formulate a strategic scheme of the implementation
Content The students will be given theories, concepts, and instruments of community development. Students will understand more regarding fundamental concepts, methods, and process of community development, that will allow them to get involved in the real process of community development. The topics in this subject are:
Community Development Definition
Definition and Principles
Success and Failure Factors
Program Evaluation
Advocacy Planning
Methods of Community Development
Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written mid-term and final examination with open questions
Media employed LCD, computer
Reading list Arnstein, S.R. 1969. A Ladder of Citizen Participation. In AIP Journal, July, 1969
Cernea, M. 1988. Mengutamakan Manusia di Dalam Pembangunan. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Indonesia
Friedmann, J. 1992. Empowerment: The Politivs of Alternative Development. Cambridge MA: Blackwell
Howell R. et al. 1987. Designing a Citizen Involvement Program: A Guidebook for Involving Citizens in the Resolution on Environmental Issues. Oregon: Oregon State University
Korten, D.C. and Sjahrir. 1988. Pembangunan Berdimensi Kerakyatan. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia
Korten, F. 1983. Community Participation: A Management Perspectives on Obstacles and Options. in Korten, D.C. and Alfonso, F.B. eds. Bureucracy and the Poor. West Hartford, Conn: Kumarian Press.
Stohr, Walter B, and D.R. Fraser Taylor. 1981. Development from Above and Below. The Dialetics of Regional Planning in Developing Countries. Toronto: John Wiley and Sons

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