MPKD UGM. Publikasi selanjutnya disusun oleh : Syahruddin NIM :11/327637/PTK/08013 dengan pembimbing utama : Ir. Kawik Sugiana, M.Eng., Ph.D. Dengan judul tesis : Pola Spasial Keterkaitan Ekonomi AntarDaerah Di Indonesia: Sebuah Analisis Keterkaitan Ke Belakang Dan Ke Depan (Spatial Pattern Of Interregional Economic Linkages Of Indonesian Regions: A Backward And Forward Linkage Analysis) Indonesia’s regional economic development dominantly is concentrated in Java-Bali; it’s composed Indonesian GDP by 60 percent in 2005. The concentration of economic activities inevitably led the population and infrastructure concentrations. This fact has been maintaining the gap between Java-Bali and the other regions.