
Module name Statistics
Modul level, if applicable
Code, if applicable TKP17-6-1-105
Subtitle, if applicable Statistika
Courses, if applicable
Semester(s) in which the module is taught 1
Person responsible for the module Ir. Agam Marsoyo, M.Sc. Ph.D
Lecturer Ir. Agam Marsoyo, M.Sc. Ph.D
Ratna Eka Suminar, ST., M.Sc
Language Indonesia
Relation to curriculum Compulsory Course
Type of teaching, contract hours Lecture / TCL, CBL, SCL
Workload 1 work credit or SKS is equal to 50 minutes of study activity in class.
Credit points 2 SKS / 5 ECTS
Requirements according to the examination regulations Minimum attendance is 75% of total classes
Recommended prerequisites
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Able to apply basic concepts and tools in statistics for planning research


Able to select the appropriate method of statistical analysis for certain urban and regional planning cases
Able to demonstrate statistical model in planning context
Content Students will be taught various methods for quantitative analysis that are commonly used in planning and scientific research. The topics learned in this subject are:
Course Introduction and Variables Understanding
Univariate-descriptive analysis
Distribution and Normal Curve Theory
Hypothesis Test (Mean and Proportion)
Bivariate Analysis
Multiple Regression Analysis
Multiple Discriminant Analysis
Factor Analysis dan cluster analysis
Study and examination requirements and forms of examination written mid-term and final examination with open questions
Media employed LCD, computer
Reading list [1]   Sugiyono. 1999. Statistik untuk Penelitian. Alfabeta, Bandung.

[2]   Furqon. 2008. Statistika Terapan untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta.

[3]   Sudjana. Metoda Statistika

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