On Monday, February 8, 2021, the Master in Urban and Regional Planning conducted an inaugural lecture by inviting Mr. Setiaji, S.T., M.Si, the Head of the West Java Communication and Information Office, as the speaker. The topic in this inaugural lecture was related to Smart City Dashboard Integration and Visualization with case studios on handling COVID-19 in West Java. Starting with an opening and remarks from the Head of the Department of Architecture and Planning, Mr. Deva Fosterharoldas, and the Head of the MPWK Study Program, Mr. Muhammad Sani Roychansyah, this lecture was attended by more than 200 participants consisting of undergraduate and postgraduate students of PWK and other teaching lecturers.
In this lecture, there were several important points put forward by Mr. Setiaji, in the form of:
- Digital Province is an innovation taken by the government of West Java Province to optimize government performance in meeting community needs by making applications based on community needs
- In data collection, Jabar Digital Service collects from various applications, such as Waze, Facebook, Sapa Warga, and social media or other applications, then it is saved at the Jabar Command Center
- This data collection is done digitally starting from a low level (RW, the lowest community association) to the local government, central government, vertical and non-government agencies. The results of this data collection can be used for any analysis in policy development and decision making, including in handling COVID-19
- In handling COVID-19, West Java Province developed the Pikobar application. The benefits of the Pikobar application and other application’s data make it easier for the government and can collect some important data, such as community data, patients, contact tracing, logistics, independent screening, hoax prevention, and other information related to COVID-19.
The participants, consisting of students and lecturers, were very enthusiastic about this discussion by actively asking several questions related to the topics that had been explained. It is hoped that after attending this inaugural public lecture it will be able to increase student knowledge in the process of developing a Smart City.
Access the link below for yesterday presentation file:
Access the link below for the meeting record