Yogyakarta, 11 February 2024 – Master program for Urban Regional Planning conducted a guest lecture was held in the Development Management course, featuring three remarkable speakers: Prof. Andrew Butt, Dr. Melissa Neave, and Dr. Serene Ho. Prof. Andrew Butt is from RMIT University, he is an expert in rural and regional planning, blending technology with urban planning to create smarter and more sustainable cities. Dr. Melissa Neave is from RMIT University, she is an environmental geographer, focuses on managing natural resources and understanding the environmental impacts of urbanization. Dr. Serene Ho, from The University of Melbourne, known for her work on land tenure governance, shed light on the challenges of managing land data.
Yogyakarta, 7 February 2025 – Dr. Sonia Roitman, an Associate Professor in Development Planning at the University of Queensland, recently visited Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to share her insights on Indonesian Planning in Southern Planning Context, especially her insight on urban inequalities and housing policies. The event brought together UGM students, Paguyuban Kalijawi, and ARKOM, sparking a lively discussion about the unique and complex challenges and opportunities in urban development, particularly in Indonesia.
New Clark City, Philippines – Warid Zul Ilmi, a graduate student in the Master’s Program in Urban and Regional Planning (MPWK) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), participated in a series of activities during ISOCARP’s 60th World Planning Congress “Diamond Anniversary Series – 1st International Conference for New Cities | Planning New Regenerative Cities,” held in New Clark City (NCC), Philippines. The event began with the Young Professional Program Workshop (YPP) themed “Planning New Generative Cities” from September 2 to 6, 2024, followed by the World Planning Congress from September 10 to 13, 2024.
This page may give you the ideas of what you need to prepare before your arrival. Beforehand, you may want to visit this website to access the academic calendar at UGM: https://admission.ugm.ac.id/resources/academic-calendar/ (please note that it may not be updated for the 2025/2026 academic year yet, but it will give you a general idea of the timeline). Each year, the August intake semester usually starts on the Monday of the second or third week. One week prior, MURP UGM typically conducts a matriculation during the weekdays. Therefore, you are expected to arrive in Yogyakarta before this date and AFTER YOU RECEIVE YOUR STUDENT VISA. We would like to draw your attention to these following matters before your departure.
The Indonesian AID Scholarship (TIAS) is a grant program from the Indonesian Government that aims to support the achievement of SDGs targets, especially in the education sector. As a reflection of the spirit of the Asia-Africa Summit and South-South Cooperation, the Indonesian AID scholarship will develop the skills and expertise of future leaders from Indonesia’s partner countries. It acts as a soft diplomacy to strengthen cooperation and friendship among partner countries through the development of human resources between countries. The Indonesian AID Scholarship offers a scholarship program for associate’s, bachelor’s, professional, and master’s degrees for government officials and/or individuals who are recommended to work in the government sector under the grant policy regulations.
The Double Degree MURP UGM – University of Groningen Scholarship is a prestigious opportunity provided by the Faculty of Engineering at Universitas Gadjah Mada for foreign students pursuing a double degree in Urban and Regional Planning. The study program is set to commence in August 2024.
This scholarship aims to support students during the initial year of the Double Degree Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta before transitioning to the University of Groningen.
The scholarship includes the following benefits:
Monday 10 January 2022, the Urban and Regional Planning Community held the first Urban Research and Innovation Forum (URIF) seminar series 2022. URIF 2022 #1 raised the topic “Planning Indonesian Cities: Inclusion, Innovation, and Disruption” ahead of the implementation of the World Planning School Congress and APSA Congress in Bali on August 29 – September 2, 2022. This seminar is a collaboration with ASPI Indonesia as the main organizer of the WPSC-APSA Congress.
The discussion began with a presentation from Prof Iwan Rudianto, the chairman of ASPI conveying several important points related to the implementation of the WPSC-APSA Congress. Prof. Haryo Winarso also explained the topics that will be raised at the WPSC-APSA, the disruption phenomenon that is being experienced in Indonesia due to the pandemic, the digital economy, and on-demand services. The panelists took turns providing comments and input related to the implementation of the WPSC-APSA Congress, starting with Prof. Christopher Silver, Prof. Deden Rukmana, Dr. Leksono Probosubanu, Dr. Sani Roychansyah, Prof. Imam Buchori, Dr. Tubagus Furqon, Ary Syamsura, Bob Neille, Harmen van de Wal, Sonia Roitman, Dr. Bernd Gutter, and Prof. Manfredo.
In October 2021, the Teluk Wondama Regency Government collaborated with the UGM Urban and Regional Planning Master to prepare the Bukit Aitumieri tourist area, Teluk Wondama Regency, West Papua Province. The Aitumieri Cultural Conservation Area in Teluk Wondama Regency is a relic site during the Zending period, which is evidence of the legacy of the beginning of civilization for the Papuans. The heritage site of the Papuan civilization has strong moral and spiritual ties to the Papuan people, so its appeal will never be lost. This area has several historical heritage points, including the Stone of Civilization, where Pastor S.I.Kijne stepped when giving lessons, S.I.Kijne’s residence, the Stone of Inspiration which is where S.I.Kijne meditated and looked for inspiration, the Aitumieri School and Student Dormitory, and the Miei Church.
A research team from the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dr. Hilya Mudrika Arini (DTMI), Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum (DTAP), and Dr. Budi Hartono (DTMI), in collaboration with researchers from Heriot-Watt University, Dr. Agnessa Spanellis, develop a game-based simulation for volcanic eruption disaster response called SIGAP-Merapi Adventure. This research project is also a community service project funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund, United Kingdom. It has become a part of a Research Project called Multi-Hazard Prediction and Disaster Response Management in Indonesia.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021, the Urban and Regional Planning Community held the Urban Research and Innovation Forum (URIF) 2021 Seminar Series #3 with the topic “Water Sensitive Planning: Innovative Projects and Best Practices Towards SDGs and the NUA (New Urban Agenda)”. This seminar invited four speakers, namely Prof. Sander Meijerink as Professor of Water Governance-Chair of Spatial Planning, Neijmegen School of Management, Radboud University, Dr. Bernd Gutterer from BORDA and TU Berlin – Habitat Unit, Mr. Fairid Naparin, SE as the Mayor of Palangkaraya represented by Mrs. Hera as the Regional Secretary of Palangkaraya, and Dr.-Ing Agus Maryono as one of the Founders of the River Restoration Movement and the Dean of the Vocational School, Gadjah Mada University. This seminar was moderated by Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum and Prof. Bakti Setiawan.