MURP – UGM. Various campaigns have emerged globally that voiced back to natural lifestyle by conducting environmentally friendly agricultural practices through organic farming system. Indonesia and Japan are the examples of the country which already implemented organic farming.
Submitted by : EDO NOFRIADI NIM : 14/370973/PTK/09772; Supervisor : Ir. Ahmad Sarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D. With Title: Proses Pengembangan Sistem Pertanian Organik di Kabupaten Solok, Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Indonesia (Development Process of Organic Farming System In Solok Regency, West Sumatera Province, Indonesia).
In Indonesia, the implementation of organic farming found many obstacles such as the lack of consideration and deliberation on organic products. Only a few areas show the significant success. Sariak Alahan Tigo and Sungai Abu villages are such examples. To achieve the objectives of the study, the research were conducted to 100 organic farmers, 30 non-organic farmers in the research field, interview with organic certification body in Japan, analyzed the development process of organic farming, and compared the organic farming in Japan and Indonesia.
The result shows that development planning was established in the simple scheme. The farmer made organization in 2009 to support the development of organic farming activities. The arrangement of resources is based on democratic leadership, and controlling process are following the national standard about organic farming. For the influencing factors of organic farming development, human resource indicator shows significant impact, while communication, disposition, and bureaucracy do not. Comparing the organic farming system in Japan and Indonesia we found no significant difference. The unique thing we found in West Sumatera is the organic certification body own by the government. It makes the farmers easier to get the organic certification since the fee is paid by the government.
This study shows that the development process of organic farming in the research field went well and has an independent organization. The organic farming activity in this field can be a referenced for other places to develop organic farming.
To increase the number of organic farmers, the constraint for starting the organic farming should be reduced while expanding the market (domestic and international) will guarantee the future of organic farming.
Keywords: organic farming, farmers, development, agriculture