Tuesday, August 31, 2021, the Urban and Regional Planning Community held the Urban Research and Innovation Forum (URIF) 2021 Seminar Series #3 with the topic “Water Sensitive Planning: Innovative Projects and Best Practices Towards SDGs and the NUA (New Urban Agenda)”. This seminar invited four speakers, namely Prof. Sander Meijerink as Professor of Water Governance-Chair of Spatial Planning, Neijmegen School of Management, Radboud University, Dr. Bernd Gutterer from BORDA and TU Berlin – Habitat Unit, Mr. Fairid Naparin, SE as the Mayor of Palangkaraya represented by Mrs. Hera as the Regional Secretary of Palangkaraya, and Dr.-Ing Agus Maryono as one of the Founders of the River Restoration Movement and the Dean of the Vocational School, Gadjah Mada University. This seminar was moderated by Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum and Prof. Bakti Setiawan.
The discussion was divided into four topic presentation sessions, followed by a question and answer session and the seminar participants were also actively discussing in the chat column. Each exposure session is 25 minutes. The first session was a presentation from Prof. Sanders Meijerink with the topic “Water Sensitive-Planning New Approach, Principles, and Best Practices in the Netherlands” which discusses water sensitive-planning in the Netherlands, both from flood risk management with multi-safety layered water. In the presentation session, Prof. Sander also discusses strategies such as reducing the possibility of flooding with nature-based solutions, reducing impacts, vulnerability reduction, and reducing exposure. The second session was material presentation by Dr. Bernd Gutterer with the topic “Polycentric Management Approaches to Create Resilient, Water-Sensitive Cities” which discusses the polycentric management of urban waters in fast-growing cities and peri-urban areas in Southeast Asia. The third session was a presentation by Mrs. Hera as Regional Secretary of Palangkaraya City who represented Mr. Fairid Naparin as Mayor of Palangkaraya City with the topic “Lessons in Developing and Managing Water Sensitive City” which discussed the characteristics of Palangkaraya City, vision and mission of spatial planning and development planning of Palangkaraya City, and the implementation strategy carried out by the Palangkaraya City government in realizing and achieving Palangkaraya City as a Water Front City. The last session was a presentation from Dr.-Ing Agus Maryono with the topic “Community Initiatives and Movements in River Conservation in Indonesia”. The exposure session was finished then continued with. The four sessions of topic exposure and discussion were greeted with very high enthusiasm from the participants by asking the speakers many questions through the chat column and then some were accommodated for a question and answer session. It is not enough to be read directly, dozens of questions were answered by the speaker through the discussion column.
The seminar session has been completed followed by a group photo session as a form of documentation for URIF Seminar Session #3 on Tuesday, August 31, 2021.
The Urban Research and Innovation Forum Seminar Series #3 event took place smoothly through the Zoom meeting platform and Live Youtube. A total of 787 participants enthusiastically participated in this event by following the event to completion.
The link for the URIF Seminar Series #3 August 2021 material can be accessed via the following link:
URIF #3 Material
Seminar recordings can be accessed via MPWK UGM Youtube Channel