Tuesday, 13 June 2021, we are proud to announce that Bachelor and Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Gadjah Mada, has been awarded an international accreditation from ASIIN (The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics). ASIIN is an international non-profit association (German-based) that promotes quality management education worldwide and awards accreditation to certain institutions based on its high-level science and professional practice requirements.
According to SK Dekan FT No. 3270/H1.17/PS/2019, the Faculty of Engineering offers an incentive to the students who publish their thesis or dissertation on International or National Seminar and get titled The Best Paper/ The Best Poster/ The Best Speaker.
The requirements needed to apply for incentives are as follow:
Urban Research Forum (URF) is an inclusive research platform, facilitating academia, scholars, professionals, and policymakers to share and to enrich their knowledge and experiences on Indonesian urban transformation.
The 2nd session of URF seminar was held on September 15th, 2020 from 10.00 until 12.30 with the theme “Urban Planning in the Disruption Era: Toward Indonesia Emas 2045”, was conducted online with 488 participants and YouTube live streaming with 1200 viewers. The moderator was Prof. Bakti Setiawan and host by Dr Tri Mulyani Sunarharum from Department of Architecture and Planning UGM.
In recent years, urban problems in Indonesia have become increasingly diverse, ranging from climate change, inadequate infrastructure, to the presence of COVID-19 in Indonesia this year, and the impact it causes. City resilience is an important aspect that needs attention to face this urban transformation. By understanding the city system holistically and take into account the risks that may face, a city can adapt to the impacts and changes that occur.
One of the ways is through research and innovations from various cross-disciplinary stakeholders. To support this, the Graduate Program of Urban and Regional Planning – Gadjah Mada University organized the Urban Research Forum (URF) which is a platform for academics, researchers, practitioners, and bureaucrats to share and enrich knowledge and experiences around urban transformation. The main activity in URF is a series of monthly online seminars in 2020 with the theme “Sustainable Urban Transformation in Indonesia: Gold Indonesia Towards 2045”. The first online seminar on Independence Month carries a special theme, namely “Research on Agenda on Sustainable Urban Transformation in Indonesia: Beyond Pandemic Covid-19 and The New Normal”.
MURP UGM. One way to understand the dynamics of urban transformation in Indonesia can be achieved through research and innovation development, which is undertaken by extensive stakeholders cross-level as well as cross-disciplines. For this reason, Master in Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Gadjah Mada (MPWK – MURP UGM) established Urban Research Forum – an inclusive research platform, facilitating academia, scholars, professionals, and policymakers to share and to enrich their knowledge and experiences on Indonesian urban transformation. One of its main activities is organising regular online seminar, under a general idea of “Sustainable Urban Transformation in Indonesia: Towards Indonesia Emas 2045”. So, in August 2020, MURP has launched and started with the first online seminar entitled “Research on Agenda on Sustainable Urban Transformation in Indonesia: Beyond Pandemic COVID-19 and The New Norma.
Yogyakarta as a heritage city, has been facing unprecedented development pressure to achieve sustainable development. This recent time, the approach of urban heritage conservation has been only using the method that neglects the economic sectors. Urban regeneration is one of a new approach for developing the conservation of economy and social dimensions to achieve sustainable cities.
Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning (MURP), Department of Architecture and Planning UGM in collaboration with KotaLab – City Lab in Indonesia with support from IAP, IAI Yogyakarta and The Government of Yogyakarta held the Workshop in Urban Regeneration. This workshop was designed to be a knowledge transfer process from France experiences on urban regeneration to Indonesia in the real case project, Kotabaru as the part of the heritage area in Yogyakarta. Through this workshop, experiences from France will be a benefit to Indonesian planners and architect with a real case study project
MURP UGM. Friday (2/11), representative persons, Prof. Koji Fujimoto and Tomohiro Kaneko (Academic Supporting Staff) from Takushoku University, Japan came to MURP UGM to promote the double degree (linkage program) which is a collaboration between MURP UGM and Takushoku University. This promotion program is a part of the implementation of cooperation between MURP UGM and Pusbindiklatren BAPPENAS. Nevertheless, students outside the scheme were also interested in participating.
The session began with a presentation from Prof. Koji Fujimoto explained the general term of research methodology and writing process at universities in Japan. Then, it continued by Takushoku University alumni from MURP UGM who talked about learning experiences at Takushoku University and bringing an issue with ‘How to survive in Japan ’. They closed the session with question and answer.
You can download the MURP (Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning) UGM in this link:
MPWK – MPKD UGM. Tuesday, 10th April 2018, MPWK – MPKD UGM will arrange a public lecture in ““The Housing Challenge: 10 Relevant Questions for The Asian Context ”. The speaker of this lecture is Alonso Alaya, Senior Expert, Housing, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The agenda will be held in B1 and B2, South Wing, Department Architecture and Planning Building, at 11.00 am – 12.30 pm. This discussion is recommended for all MPKD and PWK (UG of Urban and Regional Planning) student.
MPKD-UGM. Wednesday, November 1st 2017, IHS Marketing & Communicatiob Officer, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Desislava Yordanova, came to MPKD UGM in order to discuss collaboration between MPKD and IHS as well as promoting programs organized by IHS and which related to the knowledge area of MPKD and S1 PWK UGM (Bachelor and Master Program of Urban and Regional Planning).
Yordanova started its activities in MPKD by conducting promotion sessions conducted by IHS, ie master program, Ph.D program, short course, and tailor made training. This activity was attended by approximately 20 people coming from MPKD students themselves, as well as undergraduate students of urban and regional planning. She started the session by describing the reasons to choose study in The Netherlands. She added that the determination of the programs in IHS is the availability of various specializations and short learning time for master, which is 12 months. This explanation session followed by a question and answer session and closed with a photo session with the participants.