Tuesday, 13 June 2021, we are proud to announce that Bachelor and Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Gadjah Mada, has been awarded an international accreditation from ASIIN (The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics). ASIIN is an international non-profit association (German-based) that promotes quality management education worldwide and awards accreditation to certain institutions based on its high-level science and professional practice requirements.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021, the Urban and Regional Planning Community held the Urban Research Forum+ (URF+) 2021 Seminar Series #1 with the topic “The Future of Indonesian Cities: Research Agenda, Innovations, and Planning Education Program”. This seminar invited four speakers, namely Prof. Achmad Djunaedi (PWK UGM), Prof. Sudaryono (PWK UGM), Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono (PWK UGM), and Prof. Bakti Setiawan (PWK UGM). In addition to the four speakers, this seminar also invited two other speakers, namely, Professor Tommy Firman (SAPPK ITB) and Professor Imam Buchori (PWK Undip). Dr Tri Mulyani and Prof. Bakti Setiawan moderated the seminar.
[Free e-certificate]
Urban and Regional Planning Community of Universitas Gadjah Mada is going to conduct Urban Research Forum+ (URF+) which is an inclusive platform to facilitate academics, researchers, practitioners, and bureaucrats to share and enrich knowledge and experiences around sustainable urban transformation management. The main activity in URF is an Online Seminar Series which conduct regularly every month with the theme of “Sustainable Urban Transformation in Indonesia: Towards Indonesia Emas 2045″.
On Thursday, April 8, 2021, the Faculty of Engineering conducted a webinar “Getting to know the UGM Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Program” 2021. This event aims to introduce 24 postgraduate study programs, both master’s and doctoral levels. On this occasion, the Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning was represented by the Head of the MURP Study Program, Mr. Sani Roychansyah, explaining the teaching and learning process at MURP UGM, curriculum, admission process, and facilities owned by MPWK UGM. On this occasion also, the Doctoral Program in Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) introduced itself for the first time as a new study program at the doctoral level represented by the Head of the Study Program, Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono. The webinar participants were very enthusiastic and actively asked a lot of questions about the postgraduate study program in the Faculty of Engineering, including the MURP and DURP.
9. Regional and Rural Planning.
According to SK Dekan FT No. 3270/H1.17/PS/2019, the Faculty of Engineering offers an incentive to the students who publish their thesis or dissertation on International or National Seminar and get titled The Best Paper/ The Best Poster/ The Best Speaker.
The requirements needed to apply for incentives are as follow:
On Monday, February 8, 2021, the Master in Urban and Regional Planning conducted an inaugural lecture by inviting Mr. Setiaji, S.T., M.Si, the Head of the West Java Communication and Information Office, as the speaker. The topic in this inaugural lecture was related to Smart City Dashboard Integration and Visualization with case studios on handling COVID-19 in West Java. Starting with an opening and remarks from the Head of the Department of Architecture and Planning, Mr. Deva Fosterharoldas, and the Head of the MPWK Study Program, Mr. Muhammad Sani Roychansyah, this lecture was attended by more than 200 participants consisting of undergraduate and postgraduate students of PWK and other teaching lecturers.
International Joint Studio in this semester (Semester Genap 2020/2021) will discuss about Implementing Urban Regeneration in Indonesia: Case Study in Kotabaru area, one of the heritage areas in Yogyakarta.
This elective course is conducted by the Undergraduate Program and Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning in collaboration with School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPK) Institut Teknologi Bandung, Urban and Regional Planning of Universitas Diponegoro, Urban and Regional Planning of Universitas Brawijaya and KotaLab from France (association of French professionals working on exchange in good practices in Indonesia)
The first meeting in new semester 2020/2021 (Semester Genap) will invite Mr. Setiaji, S.T., M.Si (Head of Department of Communication and Informatics, West Java Province) as our speaker and discuss about Integration and Visualization Smart City Dashboard: Case of COVID-19 in West Java Province. This meeting will be conducted on:
Date: Monday, February 8 2021
Time: 09.00 – 11.00 Jakarta Time
Webex Meeting Link: bit.ly/kuliahperdana2021
Youtube Live Link: ugm.id/MPWKLive
This is a mandatory meeting for all master students (MURP) and open to undergraduate students (BURP)
Master in Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Gadjah Mada (MPWK – MURP UGM) established Urban Research Forum – an inclusive research platform, facilitating academia, scholars, professionals, and policymakers to share and to enrich their knowledge and experiences on Indonesian urban transformation. One of its main activities is organising regular online seminar, under a general idea of “Sustainable Urban Transformation in Indonesia: Towards Indonesia Emas 2045”.
The 3rd online seminar entitled “Urban Heritage Conservation and Regeneration in Indonesia” will be held on: